Elbasan Tava

Ingredients: One kg of lamb, Butter, 1 onion,  Salt, enough water, 1/2 kg. Yogurt, a glass of flour, two eggs,

Preparation: Lamb meat is divided into slices and pieces. Both sides of the meat are slightly fried in butter. Then, water is added and boiled until well cooked. In another place; Yogurt, flour, broth are mixed and cooked for a while. Add egg yolks, heat and mix well. Coarse and piece meats are placed on the tray. Prepared sauce is poured on it and bake it. 

Suleymanpasa Municipality
Ortacami Mah. Hükümet Cad. No:14
Süleymanpaşa / TEKİRDAĞ
0 (282) 259 59 59