Höşmerim Dessert

Ingredients: Unsalted and fresh cheese, flour, sugar, salt.
Preparation: Put the cheese in a pot. A little salt is added to the cheese melted at medium heat. Flour is added and mixed continuously. The amount of flour is very important. Then, add sugar and continue to mix. The cheese must turn in the pan by removing oil. If it does not release oil and turns well, it is not expected to be very tasty. After the cooking and turning process, which takes about 25 minutes, it is poured into a large tray.
Sprinkle powdered sugar on it. It is ensured that the oil is lifted up by cutting it vertically with a spoon. It is eaten hot. The ratio of rennet used to the cheese prepared for Höşmerim and when the unsalted cheese is to be made sweet should be adjusted well. A well-cooked Höşmerim be obtained from cheese that is too fresh or cheese that has been kept too long. This consistency can be understood by tasting cheese.
Suleymanpasa Municipality
Ortacami Mah. Hükümet Cad. No:14
Süleymanpaşa / TEKİRDAĞ
0 (282) 259 59 59