Kadi Arapzade Fountain

For the third time, the rank of Mecca-i Mükerreme, an officer of the Tekfurdagi Niyabet-i şer'iyye, and the honorable Arab nobleman Faziletlu Mehmet Erib Efendi, who are buried in this cemetery today, are buried in this cemetery. The date of this fountain is 1265 (1849)
Address: Orta Cami Mahallesi, Namık Kemal Caddesi, in front of plot 31, block 98, plot 30. The fountain was moved to its present location when it was on the edge of the cemetery next to the old People's House.
Detailed Deion: The fountain, which has a longitudinal rectangular plan, was built with marble material and does not have a reservoir. On the façade of the fountain, a fountain mirror consisting of rectangular moldings can be seen. A star-like flower motif is embroidered in relief at the corners of this form. On the lower level of the mirror stone, a tap connected to the city network is seen.
Suleymanpasa Municipality
Ortacami Mah. Hükümet Cad. No:14
Süleymanpaşa / TEKİRDAĞ
0 (282) 259 59 59